LaPine State Park.....one of the few saving graces in this weird place. But....I'll post about Lapine's oddities later....tehe, it's gonna be funny. This spot is only about a mile from our house. Now that's it's getting warmer, Jet, the dogs, and I can go on walks together. Very nice.

Chad made OFFICIAL BBQ ribs for the Superbowl....smoked for 1.5 hours, then cooked with indirect heat and humidity for 6 hours.....never touched the flame. YUM!

Jet likes limes too : )

The Relief Society had this awesome dinner, and there was supposed to be a competition for the best decorated table. My friends and I designed a sweet table (I even made origami lilies), but it turned out there was no table competition, but a surprise best dressed competition. We were supposed to dress in blue and yellow. Being myself, I had to take the opportunity to have some fun...I mean, the Relief Society presidency had put blue and yellow streaks in their hair to advertise for the event, so I knew I could be a bit silly, and my friend was looking for a blue or yellow ball gown....so....I used the netting from my onion bag, and painted it blue. Then I made a flower out of tissue paper. Pin in it my hair and, Voila....40's glam! And I won the award! Yeah, the "onion hat" totally cinched the deal. Boo yah.

Cutie pie. He loves the bath!

My photo montage. I actually took these photos last year at the "magnolia park" in Thurston. Now they're framed and on the wall, as the perfect Spring decoration, especially since Lapine has NOTHING blooming right now....sad story. No tulips, daffodils, or cherry trees....DEPRESSING!
Love the HAT--You are so fun--I am sure yo liven up that Ward!!! Love the flower picture too.
That hat is the coolest thing ever made. You're so innovative. And Jet is so adorable!
YAY!! An update!! I love it all! You're SO creative and CUTE!! I would have NEVER thought of the onion bag! Smarty pants! Jet is too cute for words! Oh my gosh!! Keep up the updates!!!
So cute. I love your personality so much Jessica. We don't have anything blooming here in Idaho either. We don't even have leaves on trees yet. It snowed three days ago. But, my flowers are popping out of the ground but only about an inch.
OK- that hat you wore- someone in my ward wore a hat just like that to church, only instead of wearing the netting on top- she wore it over her face to the side- and it actually was really cool! So when I saw the picture I thought, "Jessica always on top of the trends- as usual!" that's funny. Your son is sooooo cute. Pretty area, and beautiful pictures- I've been wondering how you've been doing since you haven't blogged in so long.
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