I love this little boy SO much!
He's so happy and easy goin'. He likes to be out and about. He loves playing with balls, big or small. He likes being outside. He LOVES to babble and talk. He LOVES the stairs. I could go on and on. I can't believe I have such a perfect little boy. He's the best. There are so many small moments, every single day, that are so precious and dear. I love you, Jet!
That's awesome. Looks like a blast! He is sooooo cute. He just has such a sweet face. I love it.
HOLLY COW! I can't believe he is one! What a big boy! I love the picture of him on the counter. What a cutie!
I had completely forgotten about
"Gretchen" until you said something! Lol - seriously what a TROOPER.
Awww, one year! That's so exciting! The jet cake is adorable. And Jet is just so handsome! His eyes are so pretty especially. What a cutie!
I CANNOT believe he is already 1!!!!
Jessica how is it possible that he's already 1?!!!! Is it just flying by for you?? Those pictures are seriously adorable!
first, you are gorg. second..your little boy! oh my gosh, he is so precious!
Hey Jessica!
A couple of years ago, I had the EXACT same questions you have about cameras. = )
You can still get some great pictures with a point and shoot camera (what you have that's $200) with a few tricks.
1. If you can, never use a flash. This would be really hard to do with your camera, so you can probably only do that outside, where there is adequate light. I bought a special lens for my camera that enabled me to take inside pictures without a flash. If you are inside and not using a flash, make sure you're by a window, or somewhere with a lot of natural light. Keep your zoom in as far as it will go and instead of using the zoom, move your body closer to your subject. This allows your camera to capture more light. ( I wish I were in person with you, it'd be easier to explain)
2. When you take your pictures outside, take them 1 hour before sunset or one hour after sunrise. This is the prettiest, most flattering light. Whenever I do a photo shoot, I take it an hour before sunset (and the other day I did one at 5am...when the sun rose).
3. Shoot low. Get down on your subjects level. So when you take a picture of your little boy, get on the floor and his level and shoot.
4. If you're camera has a manual, READ IT. Practice exactly what it says. Really get to know your camera. If it has an option of Aperature mode, USE IT. It's a semi-automatic mode where you can still control some of the features.
*to make my colors pop, I use Photoshop. It took me a while to get the hang of the program and I still barely know how to use 5% of it, but that's what I use. My pictures are pretty dull in color until I edit them.
*If you ever want to buy a different camera or get into photoshop, email me or call me 760-200-9142 and you can ask as many questions as you want. I feel sort of dumb even acting like I know ANYthing, because it's all trial and error, I learned almost all of it from reading photo blogs/tips online, and I still have sooo much to learn. But I remember being just like you. Frustrated because I wanted great pictures of my kids and I was willing to do what it took to make it happen, but I just didn't know how or where to start.
I hope this helps a little bit. Take care!!!!
JESSICA!!!!!!!!!! I Have No Clue How To Use This Website! Lol. I Miss You So Much!! You Should Make A Facebook Almost Everyone Is On There. Love You Dude Hope You're Having Fun Not In La Pine! Lol.
He is very, very, VERY cute.
I realized that I don't have your email address to add you as a reader of my blog. If you're interested just email me (see my profile). Thanks!
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