Just an update for everyone to let you know things are going smoothly.
Baby due: July 14th
I have not had one contraction....not even a Braxton Hicks contraction
I can still walk normally.....at least I feel like I can, I don't know if it looks like I can.
Dr. says everything is on schedule, and everything looks good.
It's nice to say, "I'm due in a week," when people ask, "When are you due?" because then they aren't thinking, oh my gosh, she is that big and she's only 7 months!
I think my belly is really weird looking when I take pictures. It's looks fine in the mirror, and when I look down at it, but when I take a picture....it looks like I literally have a basketball under my shirt....it's sticks out so far! It looks like it's going to detach and float away....well...not float away....more like drop with a huge THUD....that's sad....I like the floating scenario better.
I have been sleeping pretty well considering it's pretty much impossible to get comfortable....and when I roll over, I can feel the baby shifting from one side to the other....and it hurts.
Excited and subtle freaking out. I hope I'm a good mom. I hope I don't dislike being a mom. I know it will be hard, but I know it's right, and I'm really excited for our family. It will be fun to be parents together. People either tell me, "Oh, you're going to have SO MUCH fun," or they say, "Your life is going to change SO MUCH (in a negative tone)." I know both statements are true, but the latter is so dismal. I like my life now, but I know the things that I will have to sacrifice are less important than raising a healthy, happy little tike. It will take some adjusting, but they will be good adjustments. Everything will be fine. Gooz-fraw-baw.
A few weeks ago I was really sick of being pregnant....now I'm kinda past it (at this point, I practically feel like I don't know any different....I know that's sounds exaggerated, but it's how I honestly feel)....but during that time I wrote a letter to my pre-pregnant self to get the emotions out in a fun way. I hope it's somewhat amusing.
A melodramatic, self-indulgent ode to a single-bodied life
Dear body,
What’s it like to roll over in bed, and have it be easy?
What’s it like to lie in the bathtub, and not have your belly get cold because there is no way that its mountainousness could be submerged in the warm water too, unless you overflowed the tub?
What is like to attempt to run for a few yards, and not feel like a clumsy hippo?
Because, I CAN BARELY REMEMBER!!! You see, I have had an extra person inside for quite some time, and I’ve forgotten what it is like to just be me.
What’s it like to
not be surprised at your width every time you happen upon your reflection?
What is it like to not feel like Saturn in a dress?
What is like to feel pretty, and not “glowing”? I’m sick of “GLOWING.” What is that anyway? They can’t say you look pretty, cuz you don’t, but you still look reasonably tolerable, so they say you’re “glowing?”
What is it like to just be Jessica, and not be Jessica and baby? This multiple person thing is really tweakin me.
Love, Jessica (in the present)
Well, sorry to talk so much about the pregnancy, but that's the main event in my life these days.