Chad, Jessica, Jet and Aijiahlyn

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i ate play-doh

Every summer, I have to go to the Oregon Coast; it’s a right of passage for summer, like eating grilled corn on the cob, and begging for floss afterwards.

Along with the coast tradition, I have recently added an appendage that states, “If we go to Florence (Oregon Coast, not Italy..herumph, I wish), I MUST get ice cream at BJ’s.” This is perfectly official, since it’s in writing now. Really, any excuse to get ice cream, right? A trip to the doctor equates to: a dr. visit with ice cream afterwards. Dentist? Milkshake afterward. Choir concert or other performance? Soft serve, to soothe those exhausted vocal chords, ofcourse.

So, we’re driving along the main drag in Florence, and I’m anxiously looking toward the east side of the road, looking for the beloved BJ’s sign.

Play dough ice cream?

Completely intrigued. I wasn’t even one of those kids that ate play-doh, but I knew that trying a sample was a must. I was imagining it would be this curious mix between salty and sweet, with a thick, doughy texture, maybe in a bright blue or red. What do you think it would be like?

Verdict: Although I commend their creativity and ingenious advertising, I was bummed-out. In summation, their version of play dough ice cream is: vanilla ice cream with pieces of sugar cookie dough throughout. They dyed the cookie dough bright colors, rolled it out about a ¼ inch thick, and cut it into pieces, and then added it to vanilla ice cream. Okay, I guess sugar cookie dough is kind of like play dough…but…if my play-doh tasted like sugar cookies, I would have just eaten the darn stuff, and not honed my inner-Michelangelo.

But, they did have some other interesting flavors like

Ginger (with chunks of candied ginger)

Lemon Chiffon


This summer, Chad and I made homemade ice cream a few times.

We made, vanilla, fresh mint, (foraged from a neighbor’s yard) strawberry, and toasted coconut.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Breaking the Silence

I don’t even know where to start.

At the end of June, our litle family moved into Chad’s parents’ garage. It’s not your typical garage, it’s really nice! It’s Hailey’s salon, and while she is on her mission, the Durfee’s graciously opened it up to us…and even our dogs.

You see, Chad’s job at LaPine High School got cut to part-time, and we couldn’t afford to stay there. Chad has been looking for employment ever since, and hasn’t had any luck. He almost got hired at a really good teaching job in Texas, but they told him they would hire him next year if there was an opening, and if he were still interested. There just isn’t anything out there. He has a great background too, so it’s really frustrating. 3 years banking experience, (tons of awards from it) fluent in Spanish, Bachelor’s in History and Spanish, Masters in Education, and 2 years teaching experience, and great references.

This has actually been out first “real” summer together. We have always both been working and/or going to school. So, it’s been really nice to have some time together. We have definitely grown closer as a family, and closer to our Heavenly Father. With this extra time, we’ve been able to establish firmer habits of scripture study, prayer, and FHE. Our priorities are better. We’re more united in our goals for our family. Our faith has been strengthened.

I know everything will work together for our good, as the scriptures say, but sometimes I can’t help but wonder how it’s all going to pan out. I have faith that He’ll bless us with employment, but, I know whatever happens is His will. Maybe it’s His will to make us wait a LONG TIME. But, I have to keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. We are doing all we can to find employment, and to be righteous.

Even without having an income, we are REALLY blessed. All our needs are met thanks to our family and our savings. We have been blessed spiritually too. But, it’s tough being in a holding pattern. We want to move forward with our life, but, it’s not in our hands.

So many things I used to think about, seem silly now. Not silly exactly, but, just less important. I have such a desire to become a better person, to serve others, and to learn the doctrines of the gospel through and through. For example, it doesn’t really matter what my bedroom looks like, as long as it’s clean. Who cares what I’m wearing, as long as I’m modest and presentable. Crafty projects are fun, but I’d rather find someone I can help. And movies? Are they getting worse, or were they always so lame? Ofcourse, there are some really good ones, but they are few and far between. I’d rather have my 2 hours, than watch a mediocre movie.

So, that’s where we’re at right now. Some days are great, and some days aren’t as great, but we are learning, and trying our best.