So, I just finished the 5th Harry Potter book, and it brought back memories of the Border's Harry Potter party. (for the last book release) My darling chum, Amy and I were so fortunate to attend this historical gathering. I didn't have a blog at the time, so I'm posting the pictures now. We wanted to go as Hagrid and Lady Maxime, stilts and all, but we didn't have time to put the outfits together. So I was Prof. Trelawney, and Amy was a witch....but people thought she could be Madame Rosmerta. Our friend Kim was Hermoine at the Yuletide Ball.
Chad, Jessica, Jet and Aijiahlyn
Friday, October 19, 2007
Harry Potter Flashback
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ultimate relaxation
So, I thought I would continue the trend with a little blog about reading. When I can, I like to make reading a luxurious experience, and let me tell makes me love autumn even more.'re off work, the house is decently clean, dinner is done, the tv is off...and a charming book waits for you....beckoning. I say to myself, "Don't mind if I do." I pull on my fluffy robe, its warmth and softness enveloping's the perfect blanket to wrap up in.

I realize all the moms out there are probably rolling their eyes thinking....who has time to read? especially with peace and quiet? I am fully aware that life definitely won't always be like this, but I'll enjoy this now, and enjoy what's coming up when it comes up.
Friday, October 12, 2007
So, Chad and I have been having a little fruit fly problem and the other day, we showed them who was boss. We each took 2 paper back books and used them as giant fly squashers!!! MOOOhHAHHAHAHA! It worked awesome. Now, I am somewhat ashamed because being an English major, I respect the authors of these books, and now the book covers have fly guts all over them. I realize this may gross many of you out, but I've never had a better time getting rid of pests. Chad and I were just having a blast....smash....smack.....GOT 'EM! So, I am glad to report that we have ridden the kitchen of these flying vermin with our mad book weapon skills along with a clever trap my mother uses....cider vinegar, sugar, and dish soap.....they just can't resist. I would also like to note, that it was them who invaded our territory and we were merely defending ourselves, this is completely just, as the examples in the B of M show us. : ) tehe. As for Christopher Marlowe, and Wendell Berry, I apologize for the disrespect shown towards your literature, but please know I have an even great appreciation for the way you can change my life for the better.

Monday, October 8, 2007
Falloween decor
I am a bargain decorator....major. Bargain decorating has its pros and cons. It's takes more work, creativity, time, and patience BUT costs less, and gives you a feeling of accomplishment. I have a's quite extensive, but I'm always SO happy when I'm done. When I know I want to decorate for a new season, I start with looking around for ideas. I thumb through magazines at the store, browse martha stewart's website, and this year, I looked at blogs. Then, I take out ANYTHING i could use that I already have....such as fabric in the right colors, pretty glasses, frames, food, and miscellaneous stuff I've gotten at garage sales. My house becomes a wreck to help hone my creative process. I assess what I have and try to put it around the house...this way I can tell if I need more. So by this time, I have modern ideas/inspiration floating in my head, I know what I have to work it's time for BARGAIN HUNTING. Off to St. Vincent. I find great candle holders and candles. At the dollar store I get some pumpkins and orange stuff to help round out the splashes of orange I want to use. I bring it all back, and start arranging....then I have to clean up whatever I don't use, and I'm done. Here are the results.

Now I can sit back, and enjoy my house.....MMMMmmmmm, I feel like cider.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Shake your thang!
I haven't blogged in awhile cuz I don't have any new pics, but it's been too long. So, there may be no pics, but I've compensated with silliness. Warning: If you consider yourself a serious person, who only takes delight in serious endeavors, this may be too frivolous for your taste.
So, I've started working out again, and I'm loving it. It's the best way to escape anything bad that is going just hop on the treadmill, listen to some tunes, and run away from all the crud in the world for a while. Then, after busting your buns, you sit down for a nice stretch and chill with some mellow music. Lovely. Okay, it's not all bliss, it's challenging, and sometimes the stupid clock on the machine goes so slow...but it is always worth it in the end. I think about the STUPIDEST things when I'm working out. For instance, I'll imagine I'm in a race against someone I would just love to beat, and my family is on the sidelines cheering me on....and ofcourse I win. Ha ha. I don't care though, cuz it's just my time-out/time-away from life. Plus, I get to wear shorts and pretend it's summer....sweet!
Can I just say, I love dancing around the house? Turn on some Elvis, Pink Martini or the Hairspray soundtrack, and I'll work up a sweat in no time. I never do this in front of Chad though...but he's has caught me a few times. Sorry, I just love being ridiculous sometimes. Plus, let's face it, shaking your booty can't help but make you smile. I think I should work-up a line of aerobics tapes.
Well, everyone has inspired me to start decorating the house for fall. I got this pumpkin spice lotion at Target for $1.00, it's delightful. It's not very potent, but gives a subtle sweetness. Although I wish it were still summer, I'm going to try and enjoy the fall. Maybe I'll watch You've Got Mail, that always gets me excited for autumn. "Don't you just love New York in the fall?"
So, I've started working out again, and I'm loving it. It's the best way to escape anything bad that is going just hop on the treadmill, listen to some tunes, and run away from all the crud in the world for a while. Then, after busting your buns, you sit down for a nice stretch and chill with some mellow music. Lovely. Okay, it's not all bliss, it's challenging, and sometimes the stupid clock on the machine goes so slow...but it is always worth it in the end. I think about the STUPIDEST things when I'm working out. For instance, I'll imagine I'm in a race against someone I would just love to beat, and my family is on the sidelines cheering me on....and ofcourse I win. Ha ha. I don't care though, cuz it's just my time-out/time-away from life. Plus, I get to wear shorts and pretend it's summer....sweet!
Can I just say, I love dancing around the house? Turn on some Elvis, Pink Martini or the Hairspray soundtrack, and I'll work up a sweat in no time. I never do this in front of Chad though...but he's has caught me a few times. Sorry, I just love being ridiculous sometimes. Plus, let's face it, shaking your booty can't help but make you smile. I think I should work-up a line of aerobics tapes.
Well, everyone has inspired me to start decorating the house for fall. I got this pumpkin spice lotion at Target for $1.00, it's delightful. It's not very potent, but gives a subtle sweetness. Although I wish it were still summer, I'm going to try and enjoy the fall. Maybe I'll watch You've Got Mail, that always gets me excited for autumn. "Don't you just love New York in the fall?"
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