Chad, Jessica, Jet and Aijiahlyn

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy moments this last week

-Chad and I on Pre's Trail together last week.  It was a dream come true.  We rarely get to workout at the same time.  Then we got Voodoo donuts.  Yum!  Thanks mom!   
-Chad has been running on that trail every week for a month.  I'm really proud of him.  He might just understand a little why I enjoy running.  He took Trigger with him today.  So cute.
-Watched Jet play in his sandbox yesterday, during the shortest patch of blue sky.  He's just precious.  -Jet has come to love storytelling, especially hearing stories before bed.  It's a new ritual.  Chad and I take turns.  The stories can get a little loopy when we get tired.  One time I kept falling asleep, and would stop talking, and he'd wake me up.  After being woken up 5 times, I started crying...."Jet, please, I'm exhausted, I can't finish the story.  Let me sleep!"  He did.  He loves to tell stories to himself when he's pooping on the toilet.  lol.  It's hilarious to eaves-drop about ninja turtle fights, between the pushing.  lol. 
-Aijahlyn loves being run at.  That's the one sure thing that will make her laugh.  Just run at her.  She loves exploring and finding new things to grab.  She has mastered rolling.   
-Journaling really relaxes me.  It's one of my favorite things.  This is so restoring and refreshing right now.
-Had to give the dogs 2 baths today.  Once for getting muddy, the other because Jet was putting nail polish on Dakota, because she smelled bad BEFORE her bath.  What?  (time-out) Bathing dogs and kids is tiring!   Ofcourse this had to happen while I was on the phone with the accountant. 
-Took a pretty walk on a Weyerhauser road with the fam
-Got Master Donuts this morning after our workouts.
_Got the prettiest, coolest, comfiest new running shoes today.  Happy me!
-Busy making decisions about our kitchen update.  Yay!  A bit anxious about all the work it's going to be. 
-Had a great girls day with Chad's family.  Food, lotion, and nail painting, all on the deck in cushy chairs.  Lovely.
-New Beginnings felt really good.  The spirit was there and I was inspired.  I love YW!
-I have been getting a little more flexible (physically, literally) thanks to my "spa time."  I love mornings so much.  Luckily, I have been waking up earlier too.  I just love my morning routine.  Get a snack, feed Aijah and put back down, workout, eat, stretch, shower, and then I feel great.  My body is pumping, I feel super clean and fresh, and I'm roaring to go for the day.


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