Chad, Jessica, Jet and Aijiahlyn

Friday, October 12, 2007


So, Chad and I have been having a little fruit fly problem and the other day, we showed them who was boss.  We each took 2 paper back books and used them as giant fly squashers!!! MOOOhHAHHAHAHA!  It worked awesome.  Now, I am somewhat ashamed because being an English major, I respect the authors of these books, and now the book covers have fly guts all over them.  I realize this may gross many of you out, but I've never had a better time getting rid of pests.  Chad and I were just having a blast....smash....smack.....GOT 'EM!  So, I am glad to report that we have ridden the kitchen of these flying vermin with our mad book weapon skills along with a clever trap my mother uses....cider vinegar, sugar, and dish soap.....they just can't resist.  I would also like to note, that it was them who invaded our territory and we were merely defending ourselves, this is completely just, as the examples in the B of M show us.  : ) tehe.  As for Christopher Marlowe, and Wendell Berry, I apologize for the disrespect shown towards your literature, but please know I have an even great appreciation for the way you can change my life for the better.   


Emily said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! I'm sure the authors won't're just getting even more use out of their books than usual! You guys totally showed those fruit flies what's up...I love it!

Karen K. said...

That picture is totally disgusting! I didn't realize you could smack them with a book. The disperse the minute you pick up the fruit or whatever they're sitting on and fly around the room. I'm impressed that you could get the books that gucky. Great job!

Lindsay Marchant said...

Nasty! :)


Oh my gosh- that is so funny! We have had a fruit fly deal also. Isn't that supposed to be a summer thing? That is really funny about the book. I liked your pictures of reading=- they were funny. Yowsa-tea? I dunno Jessica....You reminded me of Megan my sister in that blog- she loves tea, and you both have curly hair right now- and you both love to read. I understand the not wanting to read- I haven't read the HP's either. I want to though. Oh Jessica...I'm so sick of school- did you feel this way? Wanting to give up and quit even though you know you won't- but at times you think your seriously considering it? Uhhhhhhhh I HATE SCHOOL........... one year left.....