Chad, Jessica, Jet and Aijiahlyn

Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter Doldrums

It has been my goal to ESCAPE the winter doldrums this year.  No, they will not get me, dangit!!! But oi, they really did this morning.  All I wanted was for it to be warm, so an outside adventure didn't involve bundling everyone, and still getting red noses.

Last year was the worst January.  Ug!  I was pregnant and nauseous, Chad was working crazy hours, and we were doing home repairs.  The house was a mess most of the time, and I was bummed out most of the time too.  No fun.

This January, I told myself, I wouldn't let January get the better of me.  Isn't January so lame?  There is NOTHING in January.  You come off this high from Christmas and New Years.   December is a playground for checking off all the nostalgic Christmas activities and enjoying the newness of winter.  Then January.  Dead.  Blank.  When will winter be over?  Well, we managed to fill up January with lotsa good memories.  But, now I'm a bit scared for February.  Have I exhausted all my ideas?  How can we make February fun?

Okay, HEARTS EVERYWHERE.  Why not?  Let's get crrrrrrrazy people.  I'm playin' up Valentines this year....because that's ALL THAT'S GOING ON.  I really think I need to start hosting some parties.  Parties are just fun and we barely ever have them.  In both our families, the majority of b-days are in the fall.  And, Duck football is in the fall.  Halloween, Thanksgiving.  Autumn beauty.  Fall is awesome!  Mid-winter?  Like I said, nada.

February, you're gonna be fabulous, whether you like it or not.      

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